CLI tools

There are some commands that you can run (as root) at any time in order to apply the changes you’ve made in the configuration files:

  • configure_cron - Removes all user-provided scripts from all /etc/cron.* folders and then moves a fresh copy of the user-provided scripts, as described in the description of the cron/ folder.

  • configure_hostname - Applies the configuration from global/hostname (in /var/www/webapp/conf/). A restart is required.

  • configure_netdata - Applies the configuration from conf/netdata/* (in /var/www/webapp/conf/).

  • configure_notifications - Applies the configuration from conf/mail/notifications (in /var/www/webapp/conf/).

  • configure_timezone - Applies the configuration from global/timezone (in /var/www/webapp/conf/).

  • start_apt_daily - Start the daily apt updater service.

  • stop_apt_daily - Stop the daily apt updater service and wait for any currently running apt processes to exit.

  • kill_apt_dpkg - Kill all apt and dpkg processes.