
This AMI is provisioned with several core components, configured for production usage.

  • Base AMI (v0.0.4) - This AMI is based on our Base AMI v0.0.4.

  • NGINX - Provided with a simple configuration for reverse proxying and the ability to add a custom SSL cert with zero effort.

  • Netdata - Monitor your EC2 instance without further complications, get alerts when something goes wrong. Accessible behind a basic auth login with user/password. Optional centralized monitoring.

  • PHP / FPM server - Version 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4. The integration with NGINX is done via FPM server.

  • Composer and extensions - bcmath, bz2, curl, gd, gmp, imap, intl, json, ldap, mbstring, mcrypt, mysql, odbc, opcache, pgsql, readline, soap, sqlite3, tidy, xml, xsl, zip.

  • 3rd party extensions - amqp, apcu, ast, ds, geoip, imagick, memcache, memcached, mongo, mongodb, msgpack, redis, pear, smbclient, sodium, solr, ssh2, uuid, yaml

Netdata screenshot